Maple Syrup Festival 2025   

The festival will be Saturday, March 15th and Sunday March 16th.







 In late winter, here in our mountains surrounding Pickens, when nights are freezing and days begin to warm, it's maple sugaring time!   Next, we collect and transport the sap to a sugar house where it is boiled down in large evaporating pans making the thick, golden syrup. It takes about 45-60 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. The hot syrup is then filtered and packed into storage jugs. West Virginia has a long history of sugar making. The Indians made syrup first. They threw hot rocks into hollowed-out logs that were filled with sap. The early settler quickly learned to make the sweet stuff and use it as their main source of sugar. Today, maple syrup and sugar are widely used in cooking, baking, and as topping. Join us for a full weekend of activities celebrating this tradition each year on the third full weekend in March!

The 2025 festival takes place March 15 & 16 (note.... the festival always falls on the third Saturday in March)   Please find crafter/vendor information letter & application needed and also MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & OPERA HOUSE ENTERTAINEMENT LISTING on the side bar link called "Maple Syrup Festival Links" on our home page.

On the side bar you will find links for the crafter/vendor information letter & the applications needed in both Word and PDF format.  There is no "map" available on the site so just leave those spaces on the application blank as you will be contacted to discuss available spots upon receiving your application AND deposit in the mail.


For more information contact: 304 924-5509, 304 439-0038 - 304 924-6513 fax  

PO Box 94 Pickens, WV 26230

For syrup or sugar camp information;